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Dark yellow urine bad? 1

Urine comes in different shades and colours, and I’ve heard in the past that deep yellow urine is an indication of bad health or consuming unhealthy foods/liquids. I’ve had situations that seem to contradict this theory, so I decided to take a further look into this.

I did some quick research and came across an article by Ron Kurtis entitled “Urine color as Health Indicator”. As it turns out, clear urine is a result of drinking excess fluids such as water, coffee or beer. Deep yellow urine is a result of excess sweating and is a sign that you haven’t been drinking enough liquids.

My conclusion is that the days that I’ve had a deep yellow colour are likely days that I’ve performed an excess amount of exercise and although I may have thought I’d consumed enough water, my body likely needed more water. The days I’ve experienced clear urine are days that I’ve either been consuming alcohol or drinking lots of water but sitting on a computer all day.

It all seems to make sense. Now I should get back to doing something constructive on my days off.

One comment on “Dark yellow urine bad?

  1. Anonymous Feb 22,2006 5:47 pm

    Drink some water!

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