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Blackberry benefit also its downfall

A recent study has found that more than 77 percent of executives surveyed find that being connected to mobile devices for work enhances their work-life balance rather than impede it.

On one hand, using mobile devices for work gives you the ability to do your work from home or on the road, increasing the amount of time in your personal life. But on the other hand, having that mobile device can also have the effect of making you available 24 hours a day, and many companies expect that if you’re carrying a Blackberry, you’re available anytime they need you.

There is no question in my mind that the Blackberry will make you more productive, but when all things considered, does it really help increase your work-life balance? My personal opinion is that on some days, I believe the Blackberry will increase your work-life balance, but in the long run, it’s not worth the consequences of being available 24/7.

During the cost-cutting days at the bank, I’ve seen several managers lose their Blackberry to save the company money. Not once have I ever seen someone who was disappointed to lose it. It was almost a load off their chest, a feeling of freedom if you will, cutting the chain loose. From the bank’s perspective, sure they are saving $50 a month now, but I can guarantee that employee won’t be nearly as productive to the firm as they were before.

But they may be happier, and that in itself is a blessing.

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