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McCain: "That One"

The highlight of tonight’s Presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama was definitely when McCain pointed at Obama and said “That One”, in reference to Obama voting for the 2005 enegy bill (See video below). I think it would have been far more acceptable to say “that one” if McCain subsequently referred to himself as “this one”, but he unfortunately chose to refer to himself as “me” instead.

After tonight’s debate I think we’re going to see the polls continue to favour Obama. Obama handled himself much better while McCain performed much more poorly than he was expected to. Obama was much more clear and articulate about his position and plan, and McCain will lose support for calling health care a “responsibility”, while Obama called it a “right”.

Unfortunately McCain will probably step up the attack ads even more and the last 3 weeks of the race are going to be dirty politics. I hope Obama stays above the dirty-style politics that both McCain and Palin have resorted to.

I didn’t appreciate too much the fact that Obama lowered himself to retaliation attacks on McCain by bringing up McCains history with the “Keating 5“. But at least he’s bringing up a fact and not resorting to the “guilt by association” picture that McCain and Palin have been placing on Obama with respect to Bill Ayers.

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