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Ugly Offshore Wind Farms?

People will perhaps always oppose change no matter how good the change really is, but one understanding that has eluded me is why would anybody in their right mind oppose the use of wind as a source of electricity? It’s completely clean, quiet, renewable, and windmills are nice to look at. What more could you ...

Bailout Fever

On Wednesday, the big US auto manufacturers went to Washington to beg for taxpayers’ money to bail them out of possible bankruptcy. There was something symbolic about these auto execs flying in their big luxury private jets from Detroit to Washington. To me, flying to Washington in their gas-guzzling jets symbolizes their failure to innovate ...

Environmentorontotalitarianism 1

En-vi-ron-men-tor-on-to-tal-it-ar-i-an-is-m [en-vahy-ruhn-muhnt-or-on-toh-tal-i-tair-ee-uh-niz-uhm] -noun 1. the state of being Jim 2. the state of being James 3. the character or quality of an autocratic editor-in-chief of “The Urban Country” Definition based on the dictionary of George Here’s my makeshift Halloween costume from a few weeks back. I went into work that day without a costume and ...

Perpetual Challenge: Student vs. Consultant 2

Things have been pretty busy lately for me (Not surprisingly). When I’m not working, almost all of my spare time is occupied by my studies. It’s a difficult balance to be both a good Consultant and a good Student. If I were to use an analogy to describe it, it would be like having two ...

Toronto on Waste

In a time where there are still places in the United States where people literally throw away cases of empty beer bottles because there are no recycling programs or bottle-deposit programs in place, I’m proud to see my city being progressive about reducing waste. The City of Toronto is pushing Coffee Shops to encourage customers ...

I will Always Remember

November 11th is a day that is very near and dear to my heart. 11 November 1918 marks the end of the Great War (also known as World War I… also known as the war to end all wars). It is a day in which I believe we should all take the time to remember ...

A Dignified McCain

I have to use this article to honour John McCain for what was I think his most honourable speech he has given since the beginning of his campaign in which he conceded the election to Barack Obama. With tears fresh in his eyes, McCain hushed the crowd several times when they booed at the very ...

Final thoughts on Presidential Election 2

(This was written earlier today on the bus ride home from a 3-day vacation in Montreal and Quebec City with Han and her parents) Tomorrow is the day that the United States will choose who will lead them into the next 4 years. The next elected President has an arduous task ahead of them; for ...

Distorted Truths and Plain Lies 2

At the beginning of the US Presidential campaign, I had a lot of respect for John McCain and I even thought that he might be a good President if he were to be elected. As the campaign has progressed, I’ve been closely watching the debates, interviews and campaign rallies by both the McCain campaign and ...

5 Reasons to Hate Low Gas Prices 2

Han’s parents arrived on Thursday from China for a 3-week visit, so this weekend I was driving a lot to show them around. People normally complain about high gas prices, but I love it when gas prices are high. Sure, I might pay more for food and to fill my car, but the benefits of ...