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Your Ecological Footprint 5

Ever wonder how many earths we would need to sustain your lifestyle? A coworker sent out a link to an online quiz that gives you an idea of your ecological footprint. It tells you how many hectares/acres your ecological footprint is, and how many earths would be required if everyone on earth lived like you. ...

$24.81 to fill up 5

Last night I filled up my car tank and it was only $24.81; I know, I know, I have a very small tank. Even when gas prices were well above $1 per litre, it was still in the low $30’s to fill up my tank. This Acura has been just about the most fuel efficient ...

Algonquin 2006 2

This year marks my 3rd year of the Annual 5-day Algonquin canoeing and portaging trip. This year’s trip was more like a vacation than previous trips, since we did less canoeing and portaging. We typically switch campsites every 1-2 days, but this year we only slept on 2 different lakes and 3 different campsites on ...

Household wind turbines and Sin City 2

In my Internet surfing tonight I came across a Texas-based company called Mag-Wind that has invented a vertical axis wind turbine intended to generate enough power to power a single household, thus creating green energy and eliminating the need for people to rely on supplied electricity. Although I think the principle of this is a ...

Toronto West Don Lands 1

In 2001, the City of Toronto formed the Toronto Waterfront Revitalization Corporation (TWRC) with a mandate to revitalize Toronto’s waterfront in phases. Everybody in Toronto is aware of the huge potential that the Toronto waterfront has, but nobody has done anything about it yet. It’s amazing that it has taken this long for a city ...

World Biosphere reserves

It’s good to know that there are sites in the world that are vital to the survival of the earth that are being preserved. There are 13 such reserves in Canada, 4 of which are within a few hours drive from where I live. While camping and hiking on the weekend I was awestruck by ...

Stunned bank teller and environmental irony 2

As stated in my previous article, I sold my Jeep last week and the guy who purchased it paid me in cash. Most of the bills were $20 bills. Although there were a few $50’s in the pile, it was still more than 3 inches thick. I brought the wad of cash to the bank ...

Happy Earth Day 1

This week the weather was beautiful (before the weekend). Spring has finally arrived and I’m already starting to get a tan from walking to work. Since I walk East to get to work in the morning, the sun is shining on me, and then when I go home I get even more sun. I’m convinced ...

Economy over Environment?

The United States decided not to attend UN climate talks held in Montreal Canada where 10,000 UN delegates are meeting to discuss solutions to climate change. The United States, which ranks #1 in the world for CO2 emissions accounts for a quarter of all greenhouse gases said in a statement “The United States is opposed ...

Environment-friendly apartment 2

When I was showering this morning and no warm water was coming out of the tap, at first I couldn’t help but have feelings of rage towards my apartment building. The water was so extremely cold that I couldn’t even get in the shower. Even placing my foot under the water felt as cold as ...