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Have you ever wondered about the origins of the keyboard layout? Ever wondered who the hell QWERTY is? Well unfortunately I don’t have all the answers to your questions, but I did read up about the origins of the keyboard layout simply because I was curious. First of all, the QWERTY layout was patented in ...

Blackberry benefit also its downfall

A recent study has found that more than 77 percent of executives surveyed find that being connected to mobile devices for work enhances their work-life balance rather than impede it. On one hand, using mobile devices for work gives you the ability to do your work from home or on the road, increasing the amount ...

New geek blog 1

I have just started a new blog where I’ll be sharing technical (geeky) stuff with the Microsoft .NET community. My first article is entitled “HttpModules and ASP .NET page caching in Sharepoint“. The articles I’m posting will mostly be Microsoft Sharepoint related, but it will also contain general .NET content as well. The next article ...

Bluetooth laser keyboard 1

A few weeks ago, one of my Microsoft boys told me about a high tech gadget that his co-worker got as a gift. It’s a bluetooth laser keyboard that projects an image of a keyboard on any flat surface and monitors the movement of your fingers to see which keys you are typing. This amazing ...

How technology affects our lives 1

In this fast world full of technology, most of the things we do in our daily lives require some sort of technology; and the traditional hobbies that don’t require technology are quickly becoming a smaller part of our lives. Dr. Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) who played a big part in the creation of the atomic bomb ...

Who owns your e-mail after you die? 13

A recent legal fight in the U.S. raises many questions about ownership of emails after a person dies. When Lieutenant Corporal Justin Ellsworth was killed in Iraq, his father asked Yahoo! Mail to provide him Justin’s emails in order to create a memorial for his son. Yahoo refused to give up the emails due to ...

World becoming one race

The last couple centuries have seen the most significant changes in technology and means of transportation. Before rapid transportation was available, races, cultures and languages were preserved and segregated geographically. In Europe, you could travel a mere 100 kilometers before unveiling a different language and completely different culture. With the many different methods of rapid ...

NYC to London in 30 minutes?

NASA has set a new record in flight speed, reaching close to 7000MPH in an unmanned 12 foot long X-43A supersonic combustion ramjet. Could you imagine flying from New York City to London in 30 minutes? Link to the article: Link