Motorists Love Squirrels 7
Photo courtesy of Libby Telford A BMW driver cruises along a scenic boulevard with his top down while enjoying the beaming sun on a warm beautiful summer afternoon. Out of nowhere, an unrelenting squirrel dashes across the road only metres in front of the shiny black automobile. The driver puts his entire body mass into ...
United States Moving Forward After Decades of Neglect 13
Photo by James D. Schwartz / The Urban Country In an important announcement last week, the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has said “the establishment of well-connected walking and bicycling networks” will be part of all federal-aid transportation projects. The announcement came out in the form of a Policy Statement that was signed on ...
Biking the Big Apple 17
Photo by James D. Schwartz / The Urban Country New York City has taken great strides in improving its cycling infrastructure, but it still has its work cut out to change its culture as a pedestrian, subway and car city to becoming a more bike friendly city – and a role model for North America. ...
Bike Lanes Become Election Issue 3
Photo by James D. Schwartz / The Urban Country It’s refreshing to see the amount of media attention bike lanes have been receiving in this year’s mayoral race in Toronto. Less refreshing however is the deplorable use of the “war on the car” rhetoric. There is no such thing as a war on the car. ...