CIA Covert Directive NSC 10/2 1
As I study for my history exam tomorrow, I figured I’d share a tidbit of history about the CIA. On June 18, 1948, the CIA was given a National Security Council directive (NSC 10/2). From the State Department website: NSC 10/2 directed CIA to conduct “covert” rather than merely “psychological” operations, defining them as all ...
CIA takes hit for Bush 3
A 9-person panel that was mandated by President Bush has concluded that the United States Intelligence agency was “dead wrong” in its assessments of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction capabilities before the U.S. invasion. The report also expresses misgivings about U.S. intelligence on Iran, North Korea, china and Russia. The report calls for a complete ...
CIA Report predicts declining US dominance 2
The “National Intelligence Council“, (a center of strategic thinking within the US Government CIA) has released a report that predicts that US Global dominance could end by 2020. The report suggests the possibilities of the EU becoming a superpower, the likely emergence of China and India, as well as others, as new major global players, ...