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Valet Parking 1

This person thought they could jump their car over the ledge in a downtown Toronto parking lot on Richmond Street today. It didn’t work out so well.

Higher Learning 4

I’m sitting in class right now (I’m working on a degree part time), and a fellow student is 3 rows in front of me playing a video game while the professor is giving a lecture. Aside from the prof’s voice, all I can hear is annoying rapid clicking of the mouse. It’s amazing that a ...

Confessions of an Environmentorontotalitarianist 2

A while back my blogger friend CrankyPutz wrote an article with some confessions. I decided to put a list of confessions together about myself with things that most people probably won’t already know about me (I’ve tried to make them as embarrassing as possible). Here are 10 confessions of an “Environmentorontotalitarianist” I love watching Judge ...

Hockey Locker Talk 3

The conversations that take place in the hockey locker room are typically inappropriate in our normal civilized society. But these same conversations are key to fostering a bond between grown men that fills a need not provided by marriage or relationships. That is why men need that time away from the wife or the girlfriend ...

Being Dutch = Being Green? 2

Growing up with a Dutch Mother explains a lot about my principles of simple living and reducing waste. We knew how to make the most out of everything and throw away very little. A recent e-mail forward from my Mom helps explain a lot about what living “green” is all about. I’ve extracted out all ...

Taxi Honk Calculator 3

A recent statistically inaccurate and socially irrelevant Urban Country study has found that clothing affects the number of honks received by a taxi driver on a typical 20-minute walk to work by a typical male urban professional. Among other important findings, the Urban Country study concluded the following: While wearing jeans, the urban professional will ...

Most Bizarre Google Searches: 2008 edition 1

Back in December 2004 I posted a list of the top 10 most bizarre Google searches that led to my site. I thought I would post another list for 2008’s most bizarre searches. Here’s the top 20 as chosen by yours truly: chubby asian kid best crotch rocket what the total pages and ads in ...

Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes 1

As someone who is currently studying Chinese, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to post this joke that was sent to me today: Learn Chinese in 5 Minutes — (READ OUT LOUD FOR FULL EFFECT) That’s not right…………………………Sum Ting Wong Are you harboring a fugitive………………Hu Yu Hai Ding See me ASAP……………………………..Kum Hia Nao Stupid Man………………………………Dum ...

10 Reasons to LOVE Low Gas Prices

This is a follow-up to my “5 Reasons to Hate Low Gas Prices” back in October. There are 2 sides to everything, and The Urban Country is committed to looking at both sides (When it’s convenient of course). Top 10 reasons to LOVE low gas prices: 10. It costs less to fill up (That one’s ...

Where do NASCAR drivers go pee? 6

This question came up when Bob and I were chatting at work about kayaking across the lake and having to urinate in a water bottle. We wondered how NASCAR drivers go pee since they’re in the car for 3 or 4 hours at a time. I just assumed they would hold it in until after ...