I just returned from quite the roller blading experience. I was roller blading through High Park (West Toronto – about 500 meters from my house), and I bladed down a very steep hill in the middle of the park. I’m pretty sure at the peak of my velocity; I was going approximately 30-40KM per hour. Near the bottom of the hill, I spotted 2 older people and a dog. There was a relatively small opening (4-5 feet) between the people and their dog, and the dog was facing the people. I decided to give it a go and try to shoot between the people and their dog. I lined it up, everything was looking good, until the dog had the same fear as me and started walking towards the people to try to get out of my way. So now the dog and I are headed right in the same direction, all I can hear is “Oh my god” (I think the lady might have had a heart attack). I’m now inches from running over the dog, and the dog and I both make miraculous moves. The dog goes hard right and gets really low to the ground, anticipating the worst. I lift up my left leg to avoid hitting the dog, and I jump up in the air just to make sure. After I pass without an incident, I breath a heavy sigh of relief and I didn’t bother looking back to see the likely ghastly look on the people’s faces. I comment to some bystanders that it was a close call, they concur.
On my way home from the park, I was roller blading along the boardwalk along Lake Ontario. I was passing 2 young girls with a guy (approx. 18-19 years old), and they comment on how cute my dog is, and they inquire as to whether they can have my dog. I said they could, but it would cost them. As I’m blading away they inquire as to how much it would cost. I respond “10 dollars”. As I’m blading further away, they ask if they purchase the dog, do I come with it too. I yell back, “That will cost you $20” and I blade away to the sound of giggling. Girls are so funny sometimes.