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Canada Staying out of U.S. Missile Defense 2

Canada has officially announced that they will not join the US Missile Defense Program. I am against Canada joining this program, and I applaud Paul Martin for listening to his citizens on this matter. It’s a good feeling to know that the Prime Minister of this country listens to his people instead of making decisions based on his own personal agenda and emotions.

The U.S. ambassador to Canada, Paul Cellucci, said he couldn’t understand why Canada would not want to be involved in missile defence to protect North America.

“We just don’t get it,” he said. “Why would Canada want to give up its sovereignty?
“…If there’s a missile incoming, and it’s heading toward Canada, you are going to leave it up to the United States to determine what to do about that missile. We don’t think that is in Canada’s sovereign interest.” “

My question is that why would somebody want to fire a missile at Canada? I hear this time and time again, that Canada is protected by the United States and we’d be overtaken if we didn’t have the US Army to protect us. I think that the United States is one friend and ally of Canada’s many friends and ally’s. If somebody were to attack Canada for whatever inconceivable reason, there would be many friends that would be there for her; including Britain, United States, France, Australia, etc. Canada was there for the United States on September 11th, they were there for France/Britain in 1939, and there are many other examples of Canada’s support for other countries. To suggest that the United States shouldn’t be there for Canada because Canada didn’t support the Iraq war or because Canada isn’t taking part in the missile defense defies all logic. Canadians are peacekeepers, and they are there for the United States when Peacekeeping is needed. Canadians aren’t instigators, hence our relative low chances of being attacked.

2 thoughts on “Canada Staying out of U.S. Missile Defense

  1. WhyNot Feb 24,2005 8:13 pm

    “The U.S. ambassador to Canada, Paul Cellucci, said he couldn’t understand why Canada would not want to be involved in missile defence to protect North America”

    ROFLOLLLL, this is wondeful, Jim, I just love your post. OMG, I think I’m about to have another fit of hysterical laughter…

  2. Jim Feb 24,2005 10:37 pm

    WhyNot: Since you had such a good laugh, I figured I’d post it on Pourquoi Pas 😉

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