I just moved into a new apartment downtown Toronto yesterday. I’m loving the location and the view. Here are some pictures from my balcony. (It’s not a very clear day, so the pictures aren’t great but they will suffice for now).
I’m actually using Wireless Internet access right now. I plugged my card in to my laptop and I was lucky enough to pick up a signal, so it’s free Internet access for now 😉
Great view Jim…
Sorry that I didn’t call on Friday… except that time got the best of me. Anyway, I’ll be in Toronto Thursday if you’d like to grab a drink…just let me know. Natasha
Nice going on the booty e-mail Jimmy!!!
HA HA HAAA!!! Now that I’ve identified it as a booty e-mail you won’t get any… kneee-ner-kneee-ner-kneeeeee-ner… hey I’ve got a cool idea, let’s rent something and share that thing with our friends, charge them more than we paid for it and make a profit… wow, what a cool idea.. NOT!!!!!
Nice going on the booty e-mail Jimmy!!!
HA HA HAAA!!! Now that I’ve identified it as a booty e-mail you won’t get any… kneee-ner-kneee-ner-kneeeeee-ner… hey I’ve got a cool idea, let’s rent something and share that thing with our friends, charge them more than we paid for it and make a profit… wow, what a cool idea.. NOT!!!!!
“Nice going on the booty e-mail Jimmy!!!”Hey Chumpy McGee, think you’re pretty funny eh? She has a boyfriend goof!