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Harper squeezes in 1

Thankfully, the Conservatives were only able to achieve a minority government. A majority Conservative government would likely send Canada down the same path as the United States wastfully spending billions of dollars on the “war on terror”, the missile defence system and homeland defense. An environmental conscience would also be low on the priority list, and legal gay marriage and abortion would be abolished.

With a minority government, the Conservatives will only be able to achieve some of their priorities. The NDP managed to land 29 seats in the House of Commons, an increase from 18 in 2004. Jack Layton is excited about his party’s successes and he’s ready to do everything in his power to keep the Conservatives in line.

A minority government in Canada typically only lasts around 18 months, and my prediction is that we’re going to see a frustrated Harper throughtout his tenure. I won’t be surprised if he loses his temper while in office.

President Bush probably pitched a 3 inch tent in his pants at the news of the election results. We’ll see how far Harper will bend over for Bush.

One comment on “Harper squeezes in

  1. iBrett Jan 25,2006 5:30 am

    I think you’re right about the temper comment, Jim. Harper has quite the job in front of him if he expects to roll out any part of his agenda. It will be a frustrating experience for him, no doubt. I read Preson Manning’s book, “Think Big,” a year ago, or so, and Manning had some negative remarks to share about Harper. Among them, he quits when thing don’t go his way. Unless Harper has really changed, as he claims, this will be an interesting parliament.

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