I think it’s safe to assume that Olivia Chow is going to win her riding at Trinity and Spadina this year. In 2004 she was beaten by Liberal Tony Ianno by only 2 percent. Mr. Ianno has held Trinity-Spadina since 1993.
The reason I think Ms. chow will be the winner is because I currently reside in the Trinity-Spadina area and Ms. Chow’s team has paid numerous visits to our apartment building, and I have received 3 or 4 phone calls from her team, confirming the location of the election and whether I will be voting for Olivia or not.
In 2004, she also likely lost a lot of votes from NDP supporters who strategically voted Liberal to block the Conservatives from winning, and as the polls indicate this time around, that strategy won’t do much good this year.
That’s not to say that Mr. Ianno is not working as hard to get votes. He personally visited our apartment a few weeks ago and spoke to my brother about the election and who he’d be supporting. I think Mr. Ianno is probably working very hard, but it sounds to me like Olivia’s team is much larger than Mr. Ianno’s.
Get out there and vote smart tomorrow people!
It’s nice to hear Oliva Chow, and her team, is working so hard. I hope the NDP fare much better this time around. Layton has been doing a good job as leader; he performed well in the last Parliament; he has run a smart campaign. Let’s hope the NDP capture the illusive balance of power.
I think that win or lose, Olivia will be going to Ottawa. Whether it is as a MP or just as Jack Layton’s wife depends on the voters in Trinity-Spadina