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Loft ear plugs 2

Lofts should come with ear plugs. I’m very pissed right now. My brother asked me earlier if he could have a couple buddies come over after work to play XBox for a couple hours. I figured they’d be gone by 2:30AM or 3AM at the latest.

It’s 4:15AM now and I haven’t slept for 5 minutes. I had to ask them to be quiet multiple times, yet they were still talking loud and sometimes yelling up until 5 minutes ago. At 3:45AM I finally got fed up and asked them to leave, so they have finally left. It doesn’t matter where you are in this place, you can hear every word anyone says.

I have an exam tomorrow evening at 6PM and my plan was to get up early to study more for the exam. Well now I pretty much have to take the day off work to study because I definitely don’t want to go to work on less than 4 hours of sleep, work all day and then go to my exam.

Tom owes me big time for this. I also spent 2 hours today cleaning the living room and now it is a disaster, so at the very least he had better clean it up tomorrow. Well now I’m going to try to get some sleep in peace and quiet.

2 thoughts on “Loft ear plugs

  1. Jim Mar 20,2006 6:53 pm

    I ended up sleeping in until 9AM, so I got 5 hours of sleep. I stayed home and worked a half day from home today, all while Tom is sleeping upstairs. It’s almost 2:00PM and he’s still sleeping.

    Oh he will pay the price 😉

  2. Sis Mar 21,2006 10:11 pm

    Interesting…I figured that would happened, but thought it would be the other way around!! 🙂

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