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2007: The year of the Pig 10

2007 is the Chinese year of the pig (effective February 18th, 2007). The pig is nice to a fault and possesses impeccable manners and taste. People born in the year of the pig will be happy and honest and are highly intelligent, forever studying, playing and probing in their quest for knowledge.

Resolutions for 2007 (See 2006 resolutions):

  • Consistently keep up with my school classes every week instead of cramming before each exam
  • Spend more time at home during the week
  • Take a short trip to China to meet Han’s parents
  • Spend more time to learn more Chinese
  • Adjust my budget to reduce social expenditures in order to pay down my line of credit
  • Set aside money every pay cheque to help needy people
  • Have more patience and love for everyone

Predictions for 2007:

  • Iraq: – The US will send more troops to Iraq, violence will continue to escalate, peaking by the end of the summer. The US will then begin to withdraw troops by November 2007.
  • Canada: – Stephane Dion will become the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada in yet another minority Liberal government. Dion will earn Canada’s respect and the Liberals will call another election and obtain a majority government in early 2008.
  • Saddam: – The hanging of Saddam won’t have a significant impact on the violence in Iraq. Violence will continue to rise consistently regardless of the Saddam hanging.
  • Israel: – Aid to the Palestinians will be reinstated as a result of measures taken by Hamas. Plans by Israel to attack Iranian nuclear facilities will be exposed but not executed.
  • Iran: – Iran will continue its quest for Nuclear energy despite the UN Sanctions and will continue to taunt the United States. The US will threaten Iran, but they won’t attack.
  • North Korea: – DPRK will return to 6-nation negotations by end of 2007 and a significant threat won’t be posed
  • Sudan: – The Darfur conflict will continue in the shadows of the world media despite efforts by groups to expose it. Britney Spears will continue to get headlines above this large country in Africa.
  • Bin Laden: – Osama will continue to elude the United States until they dedicate more resources to find him. This won’t happen in 2007, but will be a signifcant part of the election platforms for the 2008 elections, and Bin Laden will likely be killed by 2009.
  • ** Updated on Jan 4, 2007

  • Toronto: – With Canada’s recent offensive stance in Afghanistan, I feel Canada will see a terrorist attack within the next year. Most likely it will happen in Toronto; likely on the subway or at Union station. (Trust me this is not something I’d want to see).

10 thoughts on “2007: The year of the Pig

  1. Crankyputz Jan 2,2007 8:54 pm

    It’s amazing that you seem to have accomplished all of last years list…Good On ya….

    How was the NY party???

    Will keep a look out for your Stephane Dion prediciton….though I saw the Christmas interview with Stephen Harper, and must say really warmed to the guy….

  2. Anonymous Jan 3,2007 2:40 am

    Impressive Jim!!! I’m a little disappointed though.. you should’ve added, visit Joel and Tasha on the list.. haha… Happy 2007! All the Best 🙂

  3. Jim Jan 3,2007 3:53 am

    CrankyPutz – The New Year’s Party was good times. I still have some beer left in the kegger because too many people were drinking wine and martinis. Anyone want to come over Wednesday night to help drink the rest of the beer?

    PS: I watched the SH Christmas video, but I still haven’t warmed to him. I still stand by EM’s comments that SH is an unimpressive and uncharismatic leader, although I’ll give him credit for trying. I don’t think he’s a bad guy or anything. But I don’t think he has what it takes to bring us where we want to be.

  4. Jim Jan 3,2007 3:54 am

    Thanks Tash, I definitely miss you guys. I was kinda hoping you’d make an appearance on New Years. Let’s get together sometime. Come by and we’ll make you dinner one night. And by we I mean Han lol.

  5. george Jan 3,2007 4:01 am

    jim – put me down for tomorrow night. i have to pick up my martini shaker (or i won’t be able to drink myself into oblivion on the weekend). btw, your hardwood floors are surprisingly comfortable for sleeping, after 10-15 drinks!
    – g

  6. Jim Jan 3,2007 4:24 am

    lol George, I almost forgot about the hardwood bunker that you called your bed the other night lol.

    Mark said you were very keen to take the floor. I told him that you probably did it just for the challenge. The alcohol probably helped too 😉

  7. Anonymous Jan 3,2007 3:06 pm

    S000000oooooooooooo what interested people have you spoke to on your web site

  8. Crankyputz Jan 3,2007 3:21 pm

    There were Martinis??? Sigh!

    Can’t help you finish the beers, but Martini’s ANYTIME>..

  9. george Jan 6,2007 3:09 am

    heh… “did it just for the challenge”… that’s possibly the nicest thing (i think) that anyone’s said to me this year (2007)! i DO love a challenge, but more than that, i love to suffer.
    i just noticed your new prediction about union station falling prey to retaliatory terrorist attack – is it a coincidence that *I* get off the subway at union station??? i think NOT!!
    – g
    ps. will crankyputz come to your next party now that you are an expert martini-shaker-a-la-tom-cruise-in-cocktail?

  10. Kelly Feb 8,2007 6:24 pm

    I’m happy to say I’m a pig!

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