The Toronto city council made headlines last year when they couldn’t complete a photo shoot because the councillors were complaining about the seating arrangement. Seems like a childish way to handle a photo shoot, yes?
If you’re not familiar with local Toronto politics, Councillor Rob Ford is the one who made the comment a few weeks ago:
“Those Oriental people work like dogs … they sleep beside their machines,” he said. “The Oriental people, they’re slowly taking over … they’re hard, hard workers.”
He’s also the one who was arrested a few days ago on charges of assault and threatening death (to his wife).
Tonight I came across a funny video on YouTube that demonstrates Ford’s utterly juvenile behaviour while being interviewed by the press. It appears Globe and Mail reporter John Barber mouthed the words “fat f#ck” to Rob Ford when he wasn’t getting a straight answer from Ford. You can watch the video to see how Ford reacts 😉
omg – what a gong show!!! toronto politics is WAY exciting!!!
– g