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Toronto Sun: LEAFS AND MURDER! 4


“For years, I have passed by the newsstand of the reprehensible Toronto Sun newspaper and its absurd headlines. This sorry excuse for a newspaper, known by most as a “tabloid written at a Grade 5 level”, constantly contains fear mongering headlines in large dark print, such as “RECIPE FOR TERROR”, “DEADLY CHASE”, “2 CORPSES IN FARM FIRE”, “GIANT KILLER”, “TOT’S HARD FALL”, “TERROR IN PARADISE”, and last but not least “LEAFS ARE BACK!”.

4 thoughts on “Toronto Sun: LEAFS AND MURDER!

  1. Daniel Apr 14,2008 5:44 pm

    That is pretty interesting. It’s one of those things that – like you said – you just sort of assume when you walk by a Toronto Sun box every day; but to have someone crystallize it like this is quite telling. Nice job.

    Now, if the team’s hockey fortunes continue as they’re going, we may even see a rise in headlines that combine the words “Leafs” and “murder”, too.

  2. Crankyputz Apr 14,2008 11:56 pm

    Frankly I never read a newspaper, and the sun is plain trash.

  3. Thomas Apr 16,2008 3:45 pm

    I find it very entertaining to see those headlines.

    I also find it very interseting while walking past the newspaper stands to see what type of front page article newspapers choose to show. Usually, they are different. The star, globe and mail, sun and the national post all post things appropriate for their audience (my own opinion of course).

    star – local toronto news, or ontario news.
    sun – murder and leafs
    national post – some conservative thing
    globe and mail – national liberal type news

  4. Leslie Apr 16,2008 3:58 pm

    It is always nice to know that fearmongering is so popular.


    Toronto: The Toronto Star leads the pack with total weekly readership of 2,132,100, followed by the Toronto Sun at 1,184,400, the Globe and Mail at 985,300 and the National Post at 547,200. In weekly online readership, the Star also leads with 545,400, followed by the Globe at 372,300, the Sun at 195,700 and the Post at 129,600.

    Scary that so many people consider the Sun to be worthy of their time and brain cells.

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