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Spare some change? 4

Today I spent the better part of my day sorting and rolling years of coins I’ve been saving in a “piggy bank”. My plan was always to use this change to pay for a flight to Europe or a flight to Asia. Well I figured that money is probably better off in a real bank ...

Spare a penny or two? Or 53 million?

A buddy of mine from work was getting money out of the bank machine a little while ago and he happened to take notice to a transaction receipt with an unfathomable chequing account balance. Someone had taken $280 out of their chequing account, bringing their account balance to a whopping $532,267.75 Check out the actual ...

Stunned bank teller and environmental irony 2

As stated in my previous article, I sold my Jeep last week and the guy who purchased it paid me in cash. Most of the bills were $20 bills. Although there were a few $50’s in the pile, it was still more than 3 inches thick. I brought the wad of cash to the bank ...

21st Century Banking

As always, every Monday in my accounting class, my mind is wandering. Today I was thinking about a revolutionary idea in Online banking that benefits both the customer and the bank. I was thinking about how a relatively simple change in Online Banking could allow customers to easily separate their cash into separate “logical” buckets. ...

Empty Lifestyle 2

On the streetcar this morning, a very obnoxious guy in his mid-to-late twenties was having a loud conversation on the phone. The first thing I heard was “Hey man, can you lend me fifteen hundred or two thousand? I need to buy some stocks but I’m flat broke right now.” He was on the other ...