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Wal Mart lawsuits 1

I learned an interesting fact in school tonight. According to my textbook and this article Wal-Mart was sued 4,851 times in 2000. That means that an average of once every 2 hours every day of the year. They have been sued for some strange things such as people being abducted from the Wal-Mart parking lot, ...

My first painting 4

When I was moving into the new place, I was going through some of my personal stuff and I found some drawings that I did back in 1994 when I was 14 years-old. I haven’t really done any drawings since then, so I figured a good way to decorate the new place would be to ...

Loft ear plugs 2

Lofts should come with ear plugs. I’m very pissed right now. My brother asked me earlier if he could have a couple buddies come over after work to play XBox for a couple hours. I figured they’d be gone by 2:30AM or 3AM at the latest. It’s 4:15AM now and I haven’t slept for 5 ...

Techie Talk

A major aspect of my work is dealing with technology, but it’s not too often I write about technology on my website. I think my website helps to get my mind off work/technology when I need a break from it. Well today’s entry is about technology (sort of). Yesterday, a Project Manager from work came ...

Bush on a tear

There is no stopping this Texas cowboy. He is on a rampage and his global bullying policy isn’t stopping with Iraq. Even while Iraq is escalating into a potential civil war, the US debt is reaching an all-time high; Bush is still spewing his venomous threats toward Iran. Bush preaches using diplomacy to resolve the ...

Rejected Hallmark Greeting Cards

Looking back over the years that we’ve been together,I can’t help but wonder…“What the hell was I thinking?” Congratulations on your wedding day!Too bad no one likes your husband. I must admit, you brought Religion into my life.I never believed in Hell until I met you. Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad!(Available only in Tennessee, Kentucky & ...

21st Century Banking

As always, every Monday in my accounting class, my mind is wandering. Today I was thinking about a revolutionary idea in Online banking that benefits both the customer and the bank. I was thinking about how a relatively simple change in Online Banking could allow customers to easily separate their cash into separate “logical” buckets. ...

Death not justice

Former Yugoslav leader Slobadan Milosevic died in his prison cell on Saturday not long before his trial was to end. This is reminiscint of other disgraced leaders have escaped justice, by choice or not, sometimes retaining some of their dignity before giving anyone a chance to take it away. Such examples are Adolf Hitler’s suicide ...

Immune to Homelessness

Walking to work today I discovered how I’ve become immune to homelessness living in the city. A younger guy wearing a hooded sweater and unshaven face walked toward me this morning. Before he even spoke I was about to say “Sorry, I don’t have change”, as my default response to the many panhandlers I encounter ...

Now I lay me down to sleep… 3

Practical jokes are no stranger amongst my brother and I. Living at the new loft with the open concept layout has only increased the temptation to play a practical joke on Tommy. Typically my practical jokes on my brother involve gay men, because gay jokes are always funny. The first day we moved in, Tom ...