Did you hear about this guy who went in to the BBC for an interview for a “Data Support Cleanser” position and ended up doing a live TV interview about the Apple vs. Apple court case that he knew nothing about? Pretty funny stuff.
Click here for the full story.
Also, today the Department of Defence released security videos from the September 11th Pentagon attack. The intention was to dispel conspiracy theorist’s contentions that it wasn’t actually a 757 airplane that hit the Pentagon that day. People such as Mechanical Engineer Michael Meyer contend that the physical evidence suggests that it wasn’t a 757 that flew into the pentagon. To read his article, browse to Scholars for 911 Truth, or click here for the article.
Well I have watched these videos, and I still don’t see any evidence to prove that it was in fact a 757 airplane that hit the pentagon. In one frame, you can see the white nose of an object, but I have pretty good vision, and it still doesn’t look like a 757 to me. In fact, these videos aren’t any different than the videos that I had already seen in the video/review link below. This video/review shows a video from the security camera and it’s the same video that the Department of Defence released today.
To judge for yourself, view the new videos.
To view an interesting conspiracy theory video and review of the plane hitting the pentagon (Pre today’s video release) Click here