Now this is great Advertising. Did you browse to Google today and see their April Fool’s joke?
New! Get FREE breakthrough broadband with Google TiSP (BETA).
Read through it; it’s hilarious. They even announced the new Gmail service called “Gmail Paper“, where Google will print your e-mails and send them to you for FREE!
Is there a limit?
“You can make us print one, one thousand, or one hundred thousand of your emails. It’s whatever seems reasonable to you.”But what about the environment?
“Not a problem. Gmail Paper is made out of 96% post-consumer organic soybean sputum, and thus, actually helps the environment. For every Gmail Paper we produce, the environment gets incrementally healthier.”
My favourite testimonials:
“Gmail Paper is a scrapbooker’s dream. I paper archive all of my son’s emails, cut them out in creative shapes, and paste them in my binders.”Anna-Christina D., Lifecoach
“It’s paper, plain and easy. I sometimes find myself wondering: what will Google think of next? Cardboard?”
Bill K., Armchair Futurist
Here is a list of all the Google April Fool’s jokes I could find for 2007:
I love that it was a life coach who was sticking things in her binder….funny stuff.