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Into the Wild

into_the_wild_movie_poster Into the Wild, the movie, the story, the notion, is more powerful than anything else I’ve ever experienced in my life. I can watch it over and over and over and still feel overcome with a powerful sense of unyielding passion for life and nature.

The story-line, the cinematography, the music, the actors, the characters, the quotes. I couldn’t imagine myself ever enjoying a movie as much as this movie ever again. The movie is so powerful and profound that it literally took me almost an entire year for me to fully digest it and to write about it.

Into the Wild, which is based on a true story, is about one Christopher McCandless who instead of going to Graduate school, donates his $24,000 college fund to charity in 1990 and travels across the country, meeting people who will help shape his life before he heads “into the wild” of Alaska.

I first watched Into the Wild in March 2008 while traveling the mountains in Alberta and British Columbia. The movie has had a profound impact on my life. It brought out feelings I’ve always had inside that I’ve never been fully able to express. The movie will always inspire me to enjoy life to the fullest and to stand against society’s material expectations.

Two years he walks the earth.

No phone, no pool, no pets, no cigarettes.

Ultimate Freedom.

An extremist. An esthetic voyager.

Whose home is the road.

So now, after two rambling years comes the final greatest adventure.

The climactic battle to kill the false being within
and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.

No longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees,
and walks alone upon the land to become.. lost in the wild.


Christopher Johnson McCandless, May 1992

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