Excerpt from my blogTO article:
“When it comes to commuting to work, we have many options to choose from. We can drive to work, take public transit, telecommute, walk, bike, rollerblade, skateboard, fly, take a train, ride a bus. The list goes on and on. At different points in my life I’ve experienced most of the aforementioned methods of commuting.”
I was wondering what you were recording when you walked in yesterday.
Walking IS the best way to get around downtown 🙂 I think it provides the “me” time that so many folks miss out on when they drive into work and are stressed out about traffic.
Hey.. who’s that handsome guy sitting at his work computer at the very end when you get into work?
Hey Jim. Nice post. I’m a fellow foot commuter. My walk is just 25 minutes at this point, but Beatrice and I are planning on moving out of the core this spring, so I suspect my bicycle will become the mode of choice.
I liked the video.