With all the warm weather we’ve been having over the last week or so, I’ve been thinking more and more about being out on the water. My summer nostalgia was magnified earlier today when I took my “Big Brothers” brother Quenelle to the CN Tower.
While peering out the CN Tower window towards the South, I spotted a very pleasant display that put me into a mid-day-dream about being out on the water on my kayak.
Looks like you have had great weather. No sign of snow at all. Can’t say the same for Calgary; it’s -19°C right now, and lots of snow fell yesterday. Cycling is going to have to wait for several more days at least. I hope you’re able to get out on the water soon.
I should have knocked on wood last night because when I woke up it was snowing.. at least it’s not -19 though 😉
Right now it’s 0 (Or -7 with the wind chill). So not too bad, but definitely not kayaking weather yet.