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USA Today: LeBron James Is Weird 16

USA Today: LeBron James Is Weird
LeBron James photo courtesy of Bridget Samuels USA Today has reported that LeBron James rides his bicycle to and from his basketball games. This article made the headlines on the USA Today website because of how abnormal it is in America for a rich and famous basketball star to use a bicycle for transportation. Instead ...

Cowboys Stadium: Everything is Bigger in Texas 5

Yesterday I attended a Dallas Cowboys football game at the new Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. I am by no means a football fan, nor would I have attended this game under any other circumstance than the fact that my father is turning 60 years old and he has never seen the Cowboys play in ...

Human-Powered Hydrofoil Kayak 2

The 4-man Olympic-style K4 boat gets off to a good start against the 1-man Hydrofoil “Flyak”. It doesn’t take long however for the Flyak to burst ahead of the 4-man boat at a speed of 27 KM/hour to win the 200M race. The Flyak starts out like a regular kayak, but once the paddler reaches ...

Trash Talk: Toronto Rock Waste 2

Trash Talk is a special section where we expose the unnecessary waste that is generated by companies so that the urban country staff and readers can speak out to make a difference. At the end of the Toronto Rock lacrosse game I attended yesterday evening, I was appalled when I came to realize that the ...

Pushing the limits of Human Power 3

Spring has arrived; and with it comes the anticipation of summer activities such as biking and kayaking (for myself anyway). I wanted to share the amazing story of Calgary adventurer and super-athlete, the 48-year-old Greg Kolodziejzyk from On July 17th 2006, Greg set 2 world records: The first for the most distance travelled in ...

Summer Nostalgia 2

With all the warm weather we’ve been having over the last week or so, I’ve been thinking more and more about being out on the water. My summer nostalgia was magnified earlier today when I took my “Big Brothers” brother Quenelle to the CN Tower. While peering out the CN Tower window towards the South, ...

Hockey Locker Talk 3

The conversations that take place in the hockey locker room are typically inappropriate in our normal civilized society. But these same conversations are key to fostering a bond between grown men that fills a need not provided by marriage or relationships. That is why men need that time away from the wife or the girlfriend ...

Alex Bellini: 295 days alone at Sea

Italian Rower and Adventurer Alex Bellini, 30 was rescued today 120KM off the coast of Australia after being on the Pacific Ocean by himself since February 21st, 2008, rowing about 50KM a day. His goal was to cross the Pacific Ocean from Peru to Australia (18,000KM), but due to bad weather, he had to cut ...

Eco-Friendly(er) Go-karts 3

Go-karts have really evolved since my Dad first took me go-karting in Michigan way back in 1985. Back in those days, the gas-powered go-kart engines made your clothes smell like exhaust fumes for the rest of the day. You’d always see the mechanic working on a broken-down kart, and there would be a backlog of ...

Buffalo Bills in Toronto

Today is a historic day for the NFL, Toronto, and Canada. The Buffalo Bills will play against the Miami Dolphins in the first ever regular season NFL game in Canada. This is part of a deal announced in January 2008 that sees the Bills playing 5 regular season games and 3 exhibition games in Toronto, ...