KFC’s 60 Million Buckets of Waste 4
Photo ‘KFC, Paris’ by sophiexphotography / Flickr KFC’s recent marketing campaign highlights a significant issue in our fast-food society: unnecessary waste. The latest commercial starts out with a black man with a white background holding a bucket of chicken where he nods to the camera and gleefully declares, “I’m in”. More people quickly join this ...
Second-Hand Secret to Sustainability? 2
Photo “Harlem Trash” by loan Sameli / Flickr The Urban Country explores whether purchasing second-hand products can help save ourselves, our society, and the world as we know it. In a speech yesterday to a special summit on climate change at the United Nations, President Obama claimed that fighting climate change is more difficult during ...
Eco-Living Tip: Dog Poop Bags 6
Eco-Living Tips is a special section on The Urban Country where we provide tips for our readers on how we can live a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly lifestyle. If you’re at all like myself, you become irked when people dispose of non bio-degradable materials into our trash bins. Plastic bags are one such item that frequently ...
Trash Talk: Dry Cleaner Plastic Waste 2
Trash Talk is a special section where we expose the unnecessary waste that is generated by companies so that the urban country staff and readers can speak out to make a difference. I typically pay a visit to the Dry Cleaners about once a month to launder certain shirts (Let’s save the discussion about the ...
Trash Talk: Toronto City Hall loses to Lobbyists 4
(Photo by markolson on Flikr) Trash Talk is a special section where we expose the unnecessary waste that is generated by companies so that the urban country staff and readers can speak out to make a difference. March 17th marks a crucial blow to the credibility of Toronto City Hall in its battle against Food ...
Trash Talk: Toronto Rock Waste 2
Trash Talk is a special section where we expose the unnecessary waste that is generated by companies so that the urban country staff and readers can speak out to make a difference. At the end of the Toronto Rock lacrosse game I attended yesterday evening, I was appalled when I came to realize that the ...
Toronto on Waste
In a time where there are still places in the United States where people literally throw away cases of empty beer bottles because there are no recycling programs or bottle-deposit programs in place, I’m proud to see my city being progressive about reducing waste. The City of Toronto is pushing Coffee Shops to encourage customers ...
Trash Talk: Dixie Trash 2
While visiting my Dad in the U.S. this weekend, I saw one of the most disturbing commercials I’ve ever seen. The commercial was advertising Dixie plates, cups, cutlery, etc. The premise behind the commercial is that by using disposable paper plates and cups for your family dinners, you can free up more time for your ...