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My Utopian Career 1

Everyone around me knows how much I love my career. It’s challenging, I’m constantly problem-solving, it’s rewarding to see something I’ve built come to fruition, the jobs are relatively plentiful, and the industry pays well. But what if I could have any job in the world? What would I choose to do? Well I’ve put ...

Job update 1

The new job is going really well so far. I’ve already talked about the company and how it’s laid back and fun to work here, but now that I’ve worked here for over a month, I can talk about the work I’m doing and how I’m enjoying it so far. In my new position I ...

First day on the job 2

Yesterday was my first day on the job, the first such occasion in 5 years and 4 months when I started at the bank. It was quite the cultural difference to work in a small high-tech firm. People wearing jeans, the pool table, the free pop and snacks and the dual 19 inch flat screen ...

My final decision 3

The last two days I have had a very difficult decision to make. One decision I had already made last week is that I wanted to work at a Consulting firm to gain experience. Consulting is a great way to be exposed to different technologies, different types of projects and work at different companies. I ...

Career change 1

I have decided to change the direction of my career. I’m going to be accepting a position as an Internet Consultant for a small firm based in downtown Toronto that specializes in web solutions using Microsoft technologies. There were many events that led to this decision. Looking back, I realize the first trigger was back ...