Bad Design Leads To Bad (Scofflaw) Behaviour 9
Red bicycle light in Amsterdam – Photo courtesy of Stefan Kuschnigg In Copenhagen, traffic signals along “green wave” routes are timed to provide a constant flow of green lights to bicycles traveling at 20km/hour. Bicyclists who ride at this speed will never hit a red light all the way to the city centre. In the ...
Legislation For Bicycle Transportation 8
Amsterdam “Golden Dress” – Photo courtesy of Michael Stallmeister / If our goal is to make our cities more liveable and bicycle friendly, there are several strategies that we can use to achieve this goal. I spend most of my efforts on this blog by trying to change people’s perceptions about bicycle transport in ...
Paris Cyclists Allowed To Run Red Lights 11
“Guess what? I’m French! – Photo by Rohand / Paris city councillors recently voted to give the green light to cyclists to legally proceed through red lights in the French capital. The pilot program will be tested at 15 intersections in east end of Paris and if successful will roll out to 1,700 intersections ...
4-Year-Old Guilty of Negligence on Bicycle 7
Photo courtesy of Michelle Ress (via Flickr) In April 2009, a 4-year-old girl and her friend were racing their bicycles under the supervision of their respective mothers in New York. The children ran into an 87-year-old lady which caused the elderly lady to fall and fracture her hip. She then underwent hip surgery and died ...
Florida’s new "Stand your Ground" Law
On October 1st, Florida passed the new “Stand your ground” law based on House Bill 0249. This law has received recent media attention because a group, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence based in Washington has been handing out leaflets to tourists entering Florida to warn them that they may not be safe. The ...