Religious Tolerance at Christmas 1
Christmas isn’t only for Christians. Christmas is a holiday that is enjoyed by Christians and non-Christians alike as Canada is a country of many cultures and religions. Every Christmas I read stories about extreme political correctness relating to Christmas: today’s story was about a woman who was allegedly fired because she insisted that she answer ...
Sports vs. Religion 8
An interesting debate came up at a family dinner the other week. The question arose when I made a tongue in cheek comment about Pentecostal churches where the worshipers put their hands in the air and pray out loud. I once attended a Pentecostal church with my Opa and let’s just say I was a ...
Organized religion 8
I always seem to have something on my mind; thankfully this website is a place for me to let it out instead of bottling it all up. Before I delve into a long diatribe about my resentment toward organized religion, I will make my disclaimer: I feel that a lot of good has come out ...
What would Jesus do in Iraq?
So just last week I posted an entry entitled “War Etiquette” that discusses whether it was morally right for the United States to invade Iraq. My dear friend and spiritual guide Kara, 😉 analysed whether the it is morally acceptable based on Jesus’ standards. I think her writings are very important and hits bang on. ...
The face of Jesus 3
I haven’t read much of the bible since my childhood Sunday school days, but I recently came to discover that Jesus’ physical appearance was unknown and the typical Jesus appearance with the long hair and the beard is mainly a European rendition of Jesus. I think the very fact that Jesus’ appearance is unknown is ...
Brotha JC 1
Been busy lately, but I wanted to post this brotha JC pic. I think it’s pretty damn funny.
What makes you a good person? 7
All humans have some good qualities that make them good people in their own ways. Over the years of growing up in a moderately Christian household, I often wondered why we did the things we did. Did we do them to be good people? Does going to church every Sunday because you feel you will ...
Royal Navy Satan Worshipper
I don’t know whether to laugh at this or not. It’s very strange though. Excerpt:“That allows him to perform satanic rituals aboard and permits him to have a non-Christian Church of Satan funeral should he be killed in action.” So what are satanic rituals? Burning crosses? Poking people with a pitchfork? Ridiculousness. Here’s the link ...