Life at 430km/h 7
Photos and video by James D. Schwartz / The Urban Country Imagine you could build a train that could take you 100KM in less than 15 minutes. Where would you put this train? From your home to you workplace? To your Grandma’s house? I had the pleasure of riding the Shanghai Maglev high speed train ...
Diesel Trains Are NOT the Answer 6
The downtown Toronto City Centre Airport has been a political hot potato for many years. Airport expansion advocates were pushing for a bridge to the Toronto City Centre airport that current Mayor David Miller quashed when he was first elected in 2003. Environmentalists and local residents often refer to noise and air pollution as the ...
Hinton Train Disaster 8
The other weekend, when Han and I were in Alberta, we stayed for a night in Hinton, Alberta. I didn’t realize it at the time, but this town has some significance to me, but I couldn’t quite remember exactly what it was about this town. On the morning of February 8th, 1986, a VIA passenger ...