I have to use this article to honour John McCain for what was I think his most honourable speech he has given since the beginning of his campaign in which he conceded the election to Barack Obama. With tears fresh in his eyes, McCain hushed the crowd several times when they booed at the very ...
(This was written earlier today on the bus ride home from a 3-day vacation in Montreal and Quebec City with Han and her parents) Tomorrow is the day that the United States will choose who will lead them into the next 4 years. The next elected President has an arduous task ahead of them; for ...
At the beginning of the US Presidential campaign, I had a lot of respect for John McCain and I even thought that he might be a good President if he were to be elected. As the campaign has progressed, I’ve been closely watching the debates, interviews and campaign rallies by both the McCain campaign and ...
Finally, a high profile Republican has acknowledged the negativity and absurdity of the smear campaign against Barack Obama by the Republican Party on behalf of John McCain. Watch this interview with Colin Powell and listen to his words; it makes so much sense. Powell defends McCain as a good man, but denounces the negative direction ...
Every day I’m shocked at the revelations of smear campaigns against Barack Obama that have been circulating for the last year and a half. I’ve been a proud supporter Obama’s bid for President since November 2007, and I have been paying careful attention to the lies and distortions that have been happening for a long ...
The highlight of tonight’s Presidential debate between John McCain and Barack Obama was definitely when McCain pointed at Obama and said “That One”, in reference to Obama voting for the 2005 enegy bill (See video below). I think it would have been far more acceptable to say “that one” if McCain subsequently referred to himself ...
This morning when I was out for a run, I was wondering to myself why so many people refer to Barack Obama as “Hussein” (his middle name). I can only assume that people choose to call him Hussein because they see him as a Muslim and calling him Hussein makes him sound like more of ...
I spent tonight with my work friends watching the American VP debate as well as the Canadian Prime Minister debate. Both were interesting in their own way, but the Prime Minister debate was much more interesting simply on the basis that there were 5 people debating at a roundtable, and they were actually talking face-to-face ...
Sarah Palin’s interview with CBS’s Katie Couric yesterday clearly demonstrates her lack of understanding of world issues. McCain has been hiding Palin from the media since her acceptance of the GOP VP spot last month. Palin has likely been locked up in a hotel room studying history and current world issues and practising answering media ...
I wanted to learn more about what drives Sarah Palin, so what better way to learn about her than to watch a bunch of interviews with her prior to becoming John McCain’s right hand hockey-Mom. I think it’s borderline comical that some Americans really think that the key to energy independence is to “tap” every ...