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Kayak for Kids 5

Two years ago, I started a fundraising campaign to raise money for my Aunt Linda who has run Noah’s Ark Home for Children in the Philippines since 1989. Linda is an amazing person and has done incredible things for children who have needed her help. She provides food, clothing, shelter and education to children in need, and she has been doing this for an unbelievable amount of time (Almost 20 years!!).

Two years ago I cycled 260KM in 2 days to raise money and awareness for my Aunt’s cause Read about it here).

Last year I wanted to raise the stakes, but I had a busy summer with school and work, so I didn’t have time to plan an excursion worthy of the challenge I was looking for. So this year I’m finally ready to do it.

My plan is to kayak across Lake Ontario from the Toronto Harbour to Niagara-on-the-Lake, camp for a night in Niagara-on-the-Lake and then kayak back the next day. If I were able to paddle directly in a straight line to Niagara-on-the-Lake, it would be 50KM. I figure I probably won’t be in a directly straight line, so the total will probably be around 55KM each way.

I’ve been kayaking 3 days a week so far to train for my lake crossing, and I’m planning to do it in late August or early September. For my training I’ve been kayaking 9KM’s to 14KM’s, depending on how much time I have. The weekend I choose for my crossing will need to be flexible in order to avoid heavy winds. I am hoping my friend Mark will be able to join me as well if he can pull it off.

In 2006, I planned to raise $1000 and I ended up raising a total of $1,845. This year I’m raising the goal to $4000. I’m going to donate $1000 of my own money, so that means I’m going to try to raise $3000 through my friends, imason and my family. To sponsor me for this, all you need to do is send me an e-mail or post a comment on this blog entry. I’ll collect the money after I successfully cross the lake along with your home address. You’ll receive tax receipts for your contribution. The receipts will be provided by the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. 10% will go to the church as a fixed processing fee, while 90% of your donation will be sent overseas to my Aunt’s foster home.

Your support is very much appreciated!







5 thoughts on “Kayak for Kids

  1. Rob Vretenar Jun 16,2008 1:43 pm

    Sounds like a great adventure, Jim. Please don’t drown. You can count on me for $100 to help you with your goal.

  2. Anonymous Jun 18,2008 10:58 pm

    Barry & Frieda say,

    Great fund raising campaign for your Aunt Linda who runs Noah’s Ark.
    You can count on our support of $200 US for this worthy cause.
    We will be praying for a safe trip. YOU CAN DO IT

  3. sis Jun 20,2008 11:30 pm

    I’m in for $150…I want to tell you not to try and kayak back to TO, but I know you won’t listen anyway! 😉

  4. george Jun 27,2008 6:16 am

    put me down for $100 buddy. i’d go with you for the more direct route, but i’m even more novice a kayaker than you are!!! you are still my hero!
    – g

  5. Shona Vincent- Ed Mahony Jul 31,2008 3:50 am


    Did the Niagara on the lkae to TO over night last year…
    We should talk..

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