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Clubbing Cabbie

On Saturday night Han and I were in a cab after the 311 and Rebel Emergency concert, and we were fortunate to be taxied by a very unique and entertaining cab driver. He was probably somewhere in his forties, slightly chubby and appeared to be of East Indian descent. The music he was playing in ...

Fear fear fear!

You must have fear people. Reading the American news the last couple days you might be fearful of an apparent imminent threat, another “September 11th” in the works. But upon further investigation when reading the small print on CNN, you will notice that the individuals who were planning an attack on a UK airliner have ...

Algonquin 2006 2

This year marks my 3rd year of the Annual 5-day Algonquin canoeing and portaging trip. This year’s trip was more like a vacation than previous trips, since we did less canoeing and portaging. We typically switch campsites every 1-2 days, but this year we only slept on 2 different lakes and 3 different campsites on ...

Starve the population 1

Israel has made a strategic decision to blow up every moving vehicle in Southern Lebanon, despite its purpose, apparently to prevent the transportation of weapons. They have effectively decided to starve Southern Lebanon completely; creating an imminent humanitarian disaster. The UN relief aid for southern Lebanon has been completely frozen as a result of this ...

World Military spending 1

Last night I was trying to find a correlation between the amount of military spending and resentment towards a country with large military expenditures. So I consulted the 2006 CIA World Factbook to see if I could find anything. The current Middle East conflict provoked my thoughts, and you will notice the United States and ...

260K for Kids 30

On the weekend of August 26th and 27th I’ll be doing a fundraiser where I’ll be riding my bicycle 260 kilometers in two days from Toronto to Welland and back. I’ve set a lofty goal to raise $1000 for my Aunt who runs a foster home in the Philippines for kids without parents. She has ...

Stephen Harper sealing his fate 6

Stephen Harper is sealing the fate of his future as Prime Minister of Canada. As the leader of a minority government, he is already walking on a tight rope. With his support for the Israeli response to the Hezbollah kidnapping as a proportionate response, he is losing the support of many Canadians who are against ...

Civilian losses okay, not soldiers 5

Browsing through an Israeli newspaper today, I found an article where Dr. Udi Lebel of Ben-Gurion University points out that Israel is ready to accept civilian losses, but the support for the Israel aggression will deteriorate as more soldiers fall. This logic is different than most conventional wars where it’s the soldier’s duty to fall ...

Israeli attack carefully planned?

The US recently expedited a shipment of precision bombs to Israel as a result of the attacks on Lebanon. The shipment is a result of a multi-million dollar deal that the US made with Israel last year where Israel can “draw on as needed”. In an attempt to show that the US doesn’t favour Israel ...

Inconsiderate ignorance

I have been reading through CNN anchor Anderson Cooper’s blog, and he asked his viewers to share their comments. I couldn’t believe the inconsiderate ignorance of most Americans who responded to his article. In general, most of the respondants seem to think that Israel is “doing the right thing” and all terrorists in the world ...