Bicycling in China – Photo by James Schwartz / The Urban Country
In a country with 1.4 billion people all coveting for a shiny new automobile, it is refreshing to see children enjoying the simple pleasure of a bicycle.
While living in China, I had the unique opportunity to spend time bicycling with some children who I had met. Few things bring me more joy than seeing the wide smile on a child while enjoying every moment as they explore their neighbourhood by bike.
We can learn a lot from children. Children are hardly excited to ride inside an automobile – my daughter Sofia usually starts crying when we put her in a car (I have trained her well).
But when these children get on a bicycle, their faces light up while the cool ocean breeze brushes their face while they ride a bicycle in the open air.
Unfortunately, as in Canada, children in China are already being primed by society to love cars (as I had been raised in the 1980’s), and before long society will pressure them to display their “success” by driving a car (the more expensive the car, the more “successful” they are).
I bicycled through my neighbourhood with the 7-year-old son of an American ex-pat who lived a couple doors down from me, an 11-year-old daughter of a family friend of my in-laws, my daughter Sofia, and the 5-year-old son of a family friend.
I can only hope that when these children grow up they will remember the fun that they had while pedaling on two wheels.
While reflecting on these rides recently, a few words came to mind:
And here are a few photos:
Bicycling in China – Photo by James Schwartz / The Urban Country
Bicycling in China – Photo by James Schwartz / The Urban Country
Bicycling in China – Photo by James Schwartz / The Urban Country
Bicycling in China – Photo by James Schwartz / The Urban Country
Bicycling in China – Photo by James Schwartz / The Urban Country
James D. Schwartz is a Transportation Pragmatist and the Editor of The Urban Country. You can contact James at or follow him on Twitter.
Related Articles:
- Sunday Afternoon Ride in China (Feb 2012)
- The Car Once Symbolized Freedom (Apr 2012)
- We Are Addicted To Automobiles (May 2011)
- Car Culture Bleeds Our Society (Aug 2010)
- The Chinese Car Obsession (Nov 2011)
Great photos, James! But, where is her helmet? Don’t you love her? haha just kidding. That’s too rude eh? Some people….
Great photos, James! But, where is her helmet? Don’t you love her? haha just kidding. That’s too rude eh? Some people….
That’s a wonderful place to ride bikes!! Wish I could be there!
That’s a wonderful place to ride bikes!! Wish I could be there!
The image of a child crying while being put in a car puts a sardonic smile on my face.
The image of a child crying while being put in a car puts a sardonic smile on my face.
The idea of a child crying after being put into a car puts a sardonic smile on my face.
Great article.
The idea of a child crying after being put into a car puts a sardonic smile on my face.
Great article.
You rode a bike wearing a baby carrier? Wow! I would have been scared for my baby if I had to do that! But really nice read. If a country as big as China would consider biking as one of its mode of transportation, this would really have an effect worldwide.
You rode a bike wearing a baby carrier? Wow! I would have been scared for my baby if I had to do that! But really nice read. If a country as big as China would consider biking as one of its mode of transportation, this would really have an effect worldwide.
You have a big balls if you can carage your kid with vaikiški dviračiai Vilniuje 123. and don’t be afraid of that.